
The administrative staff at Kids N Fitness has well over one hundred years of combined experience in Early Childhood Education. Each center is staffed with two Directors that share administrative and compliance responsibilities. What distinguishes the Kids N Fitness administrators from their colleagues, is the years of experience each holds in the classroom.

The wealth of classroom knowledge each maintains has allowed for a much clearer perspective on what children, families, and fellow staff members need to be successful. It is not uncommon to see members of the administrative teams hard at work in the classrooms. Their strong understanding of child development, Excelerate Illinois requirements, parental expectations, and DCFS compliance, make them outstanding leaders!

Furthermore, the Kids N Fitness administrators pride themselves on being accessible to all of their families. With our open-door policy, the administration encourages parents to play an active role in their child’s education and experience. Parental feedback is welcome and we will do whatever possible to ensure your time at Kids N Fitness exceeds your expectations.

Teacher helping student with work

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